Mexico lives! Christ lives!

— Octubre 2023 —


This month we celebrate the independence of Mexico, history shows us how Spaniards, Creoles, mestizos and indigenous people fought to be a free and independent country, ending the war and obtaining independence from Spain in 1821, or so they thought it would happen, many of us think that they fought to be a free and independent country, but they were fighting to have their own monarchy in Mexico, but this only lasted a few years and the federal republic of Mexico was soon established in 1823. In 1876, an armed movement gave rise to the dictatorship of the General Porfirio Díaz that lasted more than 30 years and led to the Revolutionary War in 1910.

They fought for freedom, for independence, and although the religion that was used had biblical bases (Catholicism) the first flag was the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico has not been totally free, not from sin, or from idolatry, perhaps no country has been, we as Christians have the duty to fight as our heroes of independence and revolution fought, bringing independence, revolution and freedom from sin to the lost, it is not about taxes or politics it is about freedom and eternal life, our heroes they died so that we could have a free country, our God became flesh and died so that we could have eternal life, more than 2,000 years ago, Jesus walked among us, experienced hunger, fatigue, sleep, mourning, anger, betrayal, happiness, loss, pain, nails in his feet and hands, he died and on the third day he rose, he marked history to a point that time is measured in Him, all this for love of you and love of me, to pay a debt that was not his , suffering for us to bring us freedom and eternal life.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1-2

Mexico lives! Christ lives!!


What a joy it is to be able to start a new cycle of Kids of the King, we started this season with 40 children from different grades, from 1st to 6th grade of elementary school, it is a blessing to see children grow over time, kids who arrived when they were 6 years old and now they are about to graduate and take a leap to middle school, particularly this year at the end of the school year we will have our largest generation of graduates with 13 kids who will leave elementary school to take the step into adolescence.

Within our Niños del Rey program, which takes place two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday), we are fortunate to have various activities. A normal day in our program begins by picking up the children from school when school gets out, and bringing them to our facilities, where we all eat together (children, teachers and staff), we have worship, Bible story, support with homework or we go through basic topics such as Spanish, spelling, addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. At the end we have free play time, so that when we finish we can take the children to the school where their parents are ready to pick them up.

And as if this were not enough, thanks to the heart of our sister Conrrys Briones, an extra modality was opened for Kids of the King that takes place two days a week (Wednesday and Friday) in order to particularly support 5 local children that do not attend school and have not had academic training, in this extension of Kids of the King they are taught to read, add, subtract, multiply, basic knowledge necessary for their daily life. Thanks to this hard work we have managed to see the fruit with a girl who, having not received any academic training in her entire life, managed to enter elementary school and is currently studying. She attends our program where we receive children on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

God is working greatly through this ministry in the lives of the children, of the parents and of us as servants of this program. It is incredible to see lives transformed at such an early age, children who recognize God in their paths, little ones who are transforming their way of living and take it to their  homes. We ask you to pray for the kids, the parents, and for us servants, that God allows us to be a living reflection of his love.


This September, we began another season with our marriage ministry here at ADTC. We began this season with the topic of “Teaching integrity in the family”. We believe that with society and culture getting worse every day as the world is trying to teach our children against our biblical values, it is important for both husband and wife to teach and model integrity in their home, Instilling in their children/grandchildren those moral values found in the bible, to prepare them and equip them to stand firm in their faith, so when they go out into the world, they would have a solid foundation and not be led by the world’s view.

The vision for this ministry is to provide married couples from the community and local churches, to have a place where they can fellowship but most importantly grow in their marriage by learning thru biblical studies, about what God’s desire is for our marriage, and how important our marriage is to God. Our heart, is for marriages to be equipped through God’s word, so that they can fulfill God’s will in their marriage. This last season was a blessing to see so many investing in their marriages, giving up of their time to come and learn what God’s word says about their marriage and how we can fulfill that call. This February we started a 4-month season with teachers from local churches that came and share topics such as: Love, the importance of praying together, communication, and serving one another.

As we go in to another season, we ask that you would please keep us in prayer, so that we would continue to seek God’s will for this ministry, and for all the marriages, that God’s word would have an impact in their hearts, so that they can experience restoration, hope, forgiveness, and God’s grace. And that their marriage will be used to reflect God’s love to all those around them.


Despiértate, tú que duermes,Y levántate de los muertos, Y te alumbrará Cristo.

-Efesios 5:14


¡Viva México! ¡Viva Cristo!


Resumen de verano Julio - Agosto 2023